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I've received an error message stating that my credit card is invalid. What should I do?

If you see an error message stating that your credit card is invalid, this has most likely happened for one of the following reasons:
1. You have incorrectly entered your credit card number.
2. You have incorrectly entered your CVV code.
3. You have incorrectly entered your expiration date.
4. You have used a cancelled credit card to place your order.
5. Your card is restricted to point-of-sale transactions only (sales where your card is physically scanned).

Please double-check your credit card and/or with your bank to ensure that none of these problems have occurred. If you realize that you've made a mistake, simply return to the payment option page and enter in the correct information. Continue checking out as normal.

If you're still encountering problems, please contact us. However, at NO point should you ever e-mail us your full credit card number. Your e-mail does not have the same security features in place as the website. If you wish to reference a specific credit card that you already have on file with us, please reference by the order number.

If you believe that you have provided us with an incorrect CVV code or expiration date you may send us that corrected information via e-mail referencing by the order number.

If you believe that your card was declined due to insufficient funds, but now have those funds available, you may ask that we attempt to charge your credit card again.

If you believe that your card is restricted to point-of-sale transactions, you must either contact your bank about removing such restrictions, provide us with a different credit card, or choose a new payment method.